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lay off详解

lay about

To strike blows on all sides.向四面八方打击

lay aside

To give up; abandon:放弃;抛弃:

lay aside all hope of rescue.放弃援救的希望

To save for the future.储备:为将来贮存

lay away

To reserve for the future; save.储蓄:为将来储备;贮存

To put aside and hold for future delivery.收藏:搁置并保留至以后交付

lay by

To save for future use.储备:储存供将来之用

lay down

To give up and surrender:放弃并投降:

laid down their arms.缴械投降

To specify:规定:

laid down the rules.制定法规

To store for the future.储备:为将来储备

lay in

To store for future use:储备:储存以备将来之用:

lay in supplies for an Arctic winter.为北极的严冬储备给养

lay off

To terminate the employment of (a worker), especially temporarily.暂时解雇员工:停止雇用(工人),尤指暂时性的

To mark off:划界线:

lay off an area for a garden.划出一块区域作为花园

lay on

To apply (something) by or as if by spreading (it) onto a flat surface:带有:将某物抹在或好象涂在一平整表面上:

laid on a thick Southern accent.带有很重的南方口音

To prepare, usually in an elaborate fashion; arrange:精心准备:通常指以精心策划的方法准备;安排:

laid on cocktails for 50 at the last minute.最后时刻才调制好50份鸡尾酒

lay out

To make a detailed plan for.设计:为…制定详细计划

To clothe and prepare (a corpse) for burial.穿寿衣:为(尸体)穿衣做殡葬准备

To rebuke harshly:严厉批评:

She laid me out for breaking the vase.因为打碎了花瓶,她痛骂我一顿

To knock to the ground or unconscious.击到在地,打昏:击倒在地或打得失去知觉

To expend; spend:消费;花钱:

lay out a fortune on jewelry.买珠宝花了一大笔钱
