
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 口译 > 口译真题 > 0903高口听力各部分全文本及解析

发布时间:2009-03-15 作者: 来源于:昂立外语网站

昂立教育全国独家首发 交大昂立口译研究中心出品



When Americans think about hunger, we usually think in terms of mass-starvation in far-away countries, but hunger too often lurks in our backyards. In 2006, 35.1million people, including 12.4million children in the United States did not have access to enough food for an active healthy life. Some of these individuals relied on emergency food sources and some experienced hunger. Although most people think of hungry people and homeless people as the same, the problem of hunger reaches far beyond homelessness. While the number of people being hungry or at the risk of hunger may be surprising, it is the faces of those hungry individuals that would probably most shock you. The face of hunger is the older couple who has worked hard for their entire lives, only to find their savings wiped out by unavoidable medical bills, or a single mother who has to choose whether the salary from her minimum wage job will go to buy food or pay rent, or a child who struggles to concentrate on his schoolwork because his family couldn’t afford dinner the night before. At December 2006 survey estimated that 48 percent of those requesting emergency food assistance, were either children or their parents. Children are twice as likely to live in households where someone experiences hunger and food insecurity than adults. One in ten adults compared to one in five children live in households where someone suffers from hunger and some food insecurity. Child poverty is more wide spread in the United States than in any other industrialized country. At the same time, the US government spends less than any industrialized country to pull its children out of poverty. We have long known that the minds and bodies of small children need adequate food to develop properly. But science is just beginning to understand the full extent of this relationship. As late as the 1980s, conventional wisdom held that only the most severe forms of malnutrition actually alter brain development. The latest empirical evidence however shows that even relatively mild under-nutrition produces cognitive imperiments in children which can last a life time. 


       此段高口的Spot Dictation 整体难度较低,主题较为浅显易懂。


       第一层主要说明饥饿问题存在于美国家庭。并非只有无家可归的人才生活在温饱线以下。第一层中出现的一些重点词有:mass-starvation in far-away countries(其他国家的普遍饥饿);lurks in our backyards(躲在后院);emergency food sources (紧急粮食救助);far beyond homelessness(远不止无家可归的人群)


       第三层所阐述的是美国的儿童饥饿问题也十分严重,甚至是工业国家中最为严重的,而政府在这一方面所拨的救助经却是微不足道的。在短文的末尾提到了饥饿问题、营养不良对孩子们的成长发育带来的永久性的影响。这一部分所出现的关键词组有:food insecurity (挨饿危机);pull its children out of poverty(脱困);severe forms of malnutrition(营养不良的严重情况);cognitive imperiments (认知障碍)

Talks and conversations :

Passage 1

M: Emily I know you’ve been the victim of a crime.

F: Unfortunately, yes. Once I was mugged by some young kids.

M: What happened?

F: I was going home late at night, and I couldn’t see a single person on the street. And it was winter, oh, it was so cold , so I had my scarf wrapped around my face. And suddenly I walked straight into three guys, they looked about 14 or 15. and they said something threatening, like give us all your money or I’m going to kill you. I’m looking at them, because they look so young, and I’m thinking what on earth are you doing? They said blablabla, and I said, “listen, it’s very cold, give me a second, I have to take off my gloves.”

M: You must be really scared

F: Well I opened my purse and all I have got is few dollars. I was so nervous and I say, “ here it is”, and they say “four dollars?” Yeah, it’s 4 dollars and they say “that’s all you have?”

M: So, so then what happened?

F: Well I gave them money, and i just went home, But I felt so bad when I was walking down the street. You know I really had mixed feelings about it. I wanted to say Guys what are you doing? You know, go home, you asre ruining your lifes. And I think why are those kids on the street doing things they are not supposed to do? Something stupid, really stupid. That could lead to something worse.

M: Why do you think Kids get involved in stealing?

F: I don’t know , I mean it was only four dollars, you look at kids getting involved in this kind of small crime , and you think who is responsible? I don’t know what they were doing out on the street at that time of night

M: Did you report the crime?

F: No, I didn’t. Kids like that don't need prosecuting, they need parenting. They need someone to Put them on the right path, these kids really need, you know, help.

M: In what way?

F: Well, kids are so vulnerable. They have to have a lot of supervision. There are these kids hanging on the street doing things they are not supposed to do. I think if these kids have more self –esteem, they wouldn’t behave in that way. We have to find ways to help these kind of kids have good futures, then they wouldn’t commit crimes.

1.In what way has Emily been the victim of a crime?

2.At which of the following times did the crime occur?

3.What amount of loss did she suffer in the crime?

4.What did she do after the crime occurred?

5.What did she think about those who committed the  crime?



       对话双方围绕其中的女当事人遭受到了一次抢钱不愉快地经历展开,而犯罪者是14、15岁的青少年,接下来两位对话者围绕着青少年犯罪这一话题展开讨论,在我们昂立口译听立课上青少年犯罪这一话题曾反复提到过,并且此次考题中并无生词、难词,只要考生们把握住问题的关键词,这五道题目还是很容易的分的。短对话探讨了为什么孩子们会去偷why do you think Kids get involved in stealing;问及女当事人有没有报警Did you report the crime?等问题,通过问答指出了青少年需要更多父母的关心和帮助,将他们引向正确的道路。


Passage 2


本次新闻题选材自China Daily, Reuters等国内外权威英语媒体,时间点为2008年12月初的新闻。



ü 欧盟舰队开赴索马里打击海盗

ü 美国国务卿敦促巴基斯坦配合恐怖主义袭击调查

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ü 菲律宾总统躲过议会弹劾

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anti-piracy operation


humanitarian aid


US Secretary of State


Mumbai attacks




peace process








coalition government






House of Representatives




fiscal year





European Union

A European Union flotilla will begin anti-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia next week, EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana said on Tuesday. The six warships and three maritime reconnaissance aircraft will replace a NATO naval force that has been patrolling the region and escorting cargo ships carrying relief aid to Somalia since the end of October. Although the NATO ships have successfully delivered nearly 30,000 tons of humanitarian supplies to the impoverished nation, they have not been able to stem the upsurge in pirate attacks on foreign shipping in one of the most important shipping lanes in the world. (101 words)

New Delhi, India

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Pakistan yesterday to cooperate "fully and transparently" in investigations into the Mumbai attacks that have upset India-Pakistan relations. India has said the 10 militants who rampaged through its financial capital killing 171 people were from Pakistan, including one surviving gunman. If Pakistan fails to act swiftly against those responsible, India has threatened to pull out of a nearly five-year-old peace process between the nuclear rivals. "This is the time for everybody to cooperate and to do so transparently, and this is especially a time for Pakistan to do so," Rice told a press conference in New Delhi. (103 words)

Ottawa, Canada

Canada's minority Conservative government may seek the temporary suspension of Parliament to stop opposition parties from voting it out and taking power, an aide to Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Tuesday. The Liberals, New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois signed a deal on Monday committing them to bringing down the government, just seven weeks after it won re-election with a strengthened minority, and forming a coalition government to replace the Conservatives. The opposition says Harper is not doing enough to tackle the fallout from the financial crisis, so they proposed forging a coalition of Liberals and New Democrats, with the separatist Bloc promising its support. (105 words)

Manila, the Philippines

Philippine lawmakers allied to President Gloria Arroyo quashed an impeachment motion against her yesterday, shielding her from opposition moves to unseat her for the fourth time in as many years. Eleven opposition lawmakers walked out of the chamber when it became apparent that an overwhelming majority of the 238-member House of Representatives would throw out the impeachment complaint. Voting 183-21, with three abstaining, the House of Representatives adopted a report by a congressional justice panel dismissing the impeachment complaint for lack of substance, blocking a possible trial in the Senate. The complaint against Arroyo, due to serve until mid-2010, were based on charges of corruption, bribery and human rights abuses. Apart from surviving four impeachments, she has also escaped three attempts by troops since 2003 to seize power. (128 words)

Cambridge, United States

Harvard University says its endowment has tumbled $8 billion in the four months since the end of the last fiscal year. The school’s endowment is the largest in higher education. The estimated 22 percent decline is the school's sharpest endowment drop in modern history. The endowment was valued at $36.9 billion on June 3. The school has said its U.S. stock portfolio and foreign equity portfolio had taken hard hits recently. The university's president warned that the estimated drop may be conservative because some money managers have yet to report figures.


Question 6: What can we know about the world’s efforts to fight pirate attacks?


Question 7: At a press conference in New Delhi, what did US Secretary of State Rice urge Pakistan to do?

cooperate "fully and transparently" in investigations into the Mumbai attacks 呼吁巴方全力透明地对孟买恐怖主义袭击展开调查

Question 8: What is Canada’s Minority Conservative Government likely to do according to the news?

原文首句seek the temporary suspension of Parliament to stop opposition parties from voting it out and taking power,重点在seek the temporary suspension of Parliament,临时停止议会运作。

Question 9: Which of the following statements is true about the political situation in the Philippines according to the news?


Question 10: At least how much has Harvard University’s endowment dropped since the end of the last fiscal year?

答案:8 billion dollars. 问题中的drop对应原文首句tumble,都表示下降。

Passage 3


M: So you really believe that cloths carry a kind of message for other people and that what we put on is in some way a reflection of what we feel?

W: oh, yes, very much so. People are beginning now to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing to believe that there is not only individual taste in our cloth, but also a thinking behind what we wear, which is something we may not even be aware of ourselves.

M: But truly this has been the case. We all dress up when we want to impress someone, such as for  a job interview with the prospective employer. We tend to make an effort and put on something smart.

W: True, but that is a conscious act. What I’m talking about is more of a subconscious thing. Take for example the student who is away from home at college or university, if he tends to wrap him self up more than the others, this is because he is probably feeling homesick. Similarly, a general feeling of insecurity can sometimes take the form of overdressing in warmer than are necessary.

M: Can you give any other example of this kind?

W: Yes. I think people who are sociable and outgoing tend to dress in an extrovert way, preferring brighter or more dazzling colours-----yellows, bright reds and so on. In the same way, aggressive cloth might indicate an aggressive personality or attitude toward life.

M: Do you think the care or lack of it over the way we actually wear our cloth has anything to tell us?

W: Yes, indeed. The ranks of a man’s trousers speaks volumes about his awareness his own image. Or if his trousers are at half messed, or sort of hanging down, this probably means he is absorbed by other things.

M: Really?

W: Or, to give you other examples, often minority groups who have perhaps failed to persuade with words tend to express themselves by wearing unconventional or what some might consider outrageous clothing as a way of showing their thoughts and feelings are different from the rest. And so they find an outlet in this way.

M: That surely spills over into other things as well.

W: Oh, yes, indeed. Hair cuts, music and songs can all be a form of rebellion. But to get to back to cloth, I would add that a whole lot about our personality is conveyed in our cloth and the way we look-------aggressiveness, rebelliousness, happiness, sadness and so on. This can all be interpreted. Think of the aging pop star who may be pushing middle age, he’ll keep on dressing up like a rebel to try to prove he is with it still and in touch with his young fans and current trends.

11.About which of the following topics is the woman being interviewed?

12. What does it probably show if an individual overdresses in warmer cloth than are necessary

13.According to the interviewee, what kind of people tend to dress in an extrovert manner?

14. According to the interviewe, which of the following speaks a lot about man’s awarness of his own image?

15. According to the interview, who tend to wear unconventional clothing?


       第11题是主旨题,答案就是第一句,cloths carry a message for other people and that what we put on is in some way a reflection of what we feel,这个是我们考前讲座所讲到的multiple choice的技巧之一,首句一般是第一个问题的出题之处。第12题,的关键词在于overdress,包括后面than are necessary,都是答案信号,容易定位。 第13题,关键词:extrovert. 第14题

       Awareness of his own image。第15题的关键词是unconventional dress. 可见听力选择题是以细节为主,主旨为辅的思路来出题的。

Passage 4

Computers may never offer a perfect system for work and communications. Yet, in spite of the bugs that need to be worked out, there is no question that computers now shape the pattern of our activities. Almost everyone has felt the tremors and change as the internet has revolutionized the way we do things. From the way we run our daily errands to the way we relate to other human beings, with the internet, we can now get information, products and friends more quickly. With a few clicks of the mouse, we can do research on specific subjects that might have taken hours or days in a library. With online shopping, we can purchase what we need more quickly and efficiently. We can now deal with retailers over the internet, instead of waiting in lines at shopping malls. With email we can maintain friendships as well as create new ones without ever sitting down to write or post a letter. But not everyone feels the internet is improving our lives. The web is messy and that it cannot always provide clear directions on how to get where we want to go. The hyperlinks that exist among different websites often send people on a trip to nowhere or somewhere totally unexpected. The web is not an organized database. Rather, it is a brier patch where people can get stuck or lost. Online shopping is an example of this mass. Although shopping from home is appealing, e-commerce is not always as convenient as one might think. Sometimes it takes a long time to order on the internet. People can waste time or get confused filling out the information on all the different screens to place an order. In fact, anywhere from 33% to 75% of people who shop online drop out before ever placing an order. Most importantly, many people are concerned about privacy issues. They are reluctant to put their personal information on the web. Filling in information such as one’s name, address, phone number and credit card information can shake the confidence of an online shopper. Some even fear that theirs conspiracy among businesses to use consumer information for their own benefit. Perhaps even more troubling is the belief that as people spend more time surfing the web, they are becoming socially isolated. A recent survey indicated that 16% of internet users spend less time with family and friends. The amount of time a husband or wife spends on the web is frequently cited as one cause for divorce. Then the young people say that their closest friends are those they have corresponded with on the internet. That is, their closest friends are people they have never even met. Whether the internet will continue to be a driving force for change is still unknown. And whether the effects of the internet on our lives will be more positive or negative is still debatable.

16. Computers and the internet have revolutionized the way we do things, which of the following things is not mentioned in the talk?

17. Why is it that not everyone feels the internet is improving our lives?

18. Which of the following is the primary concern of online shoppers?

19. What can we know from the talk that people spending more time surfing the web?

20. What is the main argument of this talk?




        文章中比较难的词汇有:hyperlinks 超链接,conspiracy阴谋,文中用brier patch把web比作一团乱麻。以及一些和电子商务等有关的词汇,如e-commerce, online shopping等。这提醒我们,应在平时就关注科技类谈话的词汇。


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