
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 口译 > 翻译练习 > 热点话题一:改革开放30周年

发布时间:2009-08-28 作者: 来源于:昂立外语网站

踏上了改革开放的历史征程:embarked on the historic journey of reform. and opening-up
进取精神:a pioneering spirit
波澜壮阔的创新实践:making bold innovation
综合国力:overall national strength
高度集中的计划经济体制:centralized planned economy
社会主义市场经济体制:socialist market economy
封闭半封闭国家:a closed and semi-closed country
温饱不足:lacking basic living necessities
世界多极化不可逆转:multipolarity is irreversible
立足中国国情,顺应时代潮流:based on China's realities and in keeping with the trend of our times
不干涉别国内部事务:not interfere in other countries' internal affairs
不把自己的意志强加于人:not impose its own will on others
奉行防御性国防政策,永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张: to follow a defense policy that is defensive in nature and never seek hegemony or expansion

This year is of special significance to China. Thirty years ago, under the leadership of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese people resolutely embarked on the historic journey of reform. and opening-up, an initiative taken by Deng Xiaoping. It started a great new revolution in China under the new historical circumstances.

Time flies and thirty years have passed before one realizes it. Over the past 30 years, the Chinese people, acting in a pioneering spirit and making bold innovations, have unswervingly carried out reform. and opening-up and pursued socialist modernization, and China has made great progress in terms of growing its economy, enhancing its overall national strength and improving the living standards of its people. Historical changes have taken place in China. China has successfully made the historic transition from a highly centralized planned economy to a robust socialist market economy and from a closed and semi-closed country to a country that is wide open to the outside world. China's economy has grown rapidly. The Chinese people, once lacking basic living necessities, are now enjoying initial prosperity. The poor rural population has dropped from over 250 million to about 10 million. Remarkable achievements have been made in our endeavor to improve the political system and promote cultural development and social programs.

If a country or a nation is to develop itself in this increasingly competitive world, it must advance with the times, carry out reform. and opening-up, boost development, put people first and promote harmony. This is the conclusion we have drawn in the great cause of reform. and opening-up.

The past 30 years of reform. and opening-up have told us that China cannot develop itself in isolation from the world. And it is equally true that the world cannot enjoy prosperity or stability without China. In a world where the trend toward multipolarity is irreversible, economic globalization is deepening and the scientific and technological revolution is accelerating, China's future is more closely linked with the future of the world than ever before.
China will firmly keep to the path of peaceful development, a strategic decision made by the Chinese Government and people. This decision is based on China's realities and in keeping with the trend of our times. It demonstrates that China's foreign policy and domestic policy are consistent with each other and that the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of the world's people are in harmony. Peaceful development is the only way leading to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. China respects the right of other peoples to independently choose their development path. It does not interfere in other countries' internal affairs, nor does it try to impose its own will on others. China is committed to peaceful settlement of international disputes and follows a defense policy that is defensive in nature. China will never seek hegemony or expansion.

Time and tide come in pairs. Each period in history is marked with its unique trend, and the trend is always led by influential individuals. Particular idols, as representatives of those individuals, surfing on the tide of their periods, are always remembered as the epitome of a particular community in a particular period. The 30-year period since China’s reform and opening-up is no exception.
Confucius occupied the throne of the spiritual world of Chinese people for over 2000 years. Lu Xun and Lei Feng possessed unparalleled influences for at least half a century. While in modern China, the fleeting 30 years witness a scroll of idols. Those idols, one after another, stood under the spotlight for a very brief period, brief enough to be fascinating.
Over the past 30 years, some of the idols, just like shooting stars, come out of sudden, go without any traces. Some of them, fading like setting sun, are always in search of their lost golden time. While there are some idols who still keep their vigorous celebrity and influential powers. The fascinating alternation of idols reflects the increasing diversity of Chinese people’s spiritual world, the tolerance and opening-up of our era.


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