
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 口译 > 口译真题 > 1103高口上半场mc1真题

发布时间:2011-03-24 作者:谢苗 来源于:昂立外语网站


Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

W: Hi, Robert, you are 20 now, right?

M: Right.

W: What do you think about what Nina said?

M: I definitely agree that younger people are less intimiliated by technology. But when I compare myself with other people my age, I don't see myself particularly good with computers. Most of my friends are much better with computers than I am. But this summer, I worked in an office with lots of adults. And I realized that I'm a lot more comfortable with technology than they are.

W: Do you use email a lot?

M: Well, I do agree that letters make better keep-seeks. But email's just so much more convenient. For example, I'm away at college now, and I don't know how I could keep in touch with my high school friends without email. I like email because it's such a casual form. of communication. It's great for just saying "hello" and checking upon people. For more standard interaction, I still use the phone a lot; but for just telling people that you thought of them that day or that you miss them, email is great.

W: How often would you say that you email people?

M: Well, I check my email at least 5 times a day, I would have to admit. Actually, probably a bit more. I also have I AM, that is instant messaging, can figured so that it loads the program automatically whenever I turn on my computer. So I AM on that is as well. It definitely makes you spend more time on the computer than you meant to. Sometimes I just turn on my computer to check on one little thing. And all of a sudden, three people send me instant messages, and I talk to them for half an hour. But it's not a waste of time. Because I love to hear from my friends.

W: So young people are better with computers than adults?

M: I don't know if kids are really better at computers or just more used to them. Computers can definitely be an intimidating, especially when they go wrong. For people who are familiar with them, I think a typical response is to use them as little as possible. My dad is like that. But once you get over your initial fear of just fitteling around with them and texting things out. It becomes a lot more fun and it's really not difficult.

M: What about your friends?

M: Well, I guess my generation is hooked on the Internet. But people don't make it their whole life. It's just one other thing they like to do. It really opens up a lot of doors. The Internet, it makes a lot of things accessible. My college now is a pretty web-based school. At first, I was a little bit surprised, at how much the Internet was used. Like for example, all of my syllable for my classes are on line.

W: Do you think the Internet has any disadvantages?

M: Well, something that is bad about Internet is that not everyone has access to web. I feel like when my generation is grown up in part of the work force, computer skills are just going to be assumed. They want to be an added asset like I think as a what will happen to the people in my generation who don't have these computer skills, you know? There're really going to be disadvantages. So I think the Internet could increase the disparities between different classes which is horrible or maybe technology just stimulates the existing disparities in a different way. I'm not sure, in my own life, though, I love having the Internet. I don't know what I do without it.


Question1. Which of the following statements does Robert definitely agree with?

Question2. Robert explains why he uses emails a lot, which of the following is not one of his reasons?

Question 3. What makes Robert spend a lot of time on the computer?

Question 4. What does Robert is bad about the Internet?

Question 5. According to Robert, what will happen to people in his generation when they don't have these computer skills?


高口第一篇文章主题为Computer and Internet. 难度中等,文章中虽然出现了一些难词,但是由于提出的5道问题比较简单,所以对考生并没有太大的挑战,考生只需在听力过程中,多加留意关键词即可。

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