
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 口译 > 口译真题 > 20120916高级口译考试听力文本-Talks and conversations Question1-5

20120916高级口译考试听力文本-Talks and conversations Question1-5
发布时间:2012-09-17 作者: 来源于:昂立外语网站

Question1-5 are based on the following conversation 

M: Do you come from a particularly musical family?

F: Not really, my family are farming people and my parents have always lived on farms, my oldest brother is a born farmer and my second brother works on a farm too. But he has also got an office job to do with agriculture. And so they appreciate music but they don’t really know much about classical, in inverted commas, that sort of things. They appreciate, perhaps, Scottish traditional music more. And they like a good tune, and if they can trace the tune and they can tap their feet too or clap too, they are quite happy. But they do not know about Stravinsky,or something like that, then they are quite lost.

M: Why did you choose percussion? I mean it is not the obvious thing even for musical students to choose? 

F: No, but I liked it. I was always keen on percussion. Clarinet and percussion were my two instruments and I like the sheer variety. But I feel I was very much influenced by a local girl who played the xylophone. And she was absolutely brilliant and I just said: gosh! I want to do that too,but then I discovered that percussion did not consist just of xylophone, it consisted of a lot more and so I liked that as well. And so, that is all how it really all began

M : So you started to play percussion quite young

F: Yes , that is when I was at secondary school at the age of 12. I had a bit of job actually starting percussion because when you are a pupil at school, you all go through a musical oral test and which is down through a tape recorder and you just listen and you write down answers , things like that. And after it, when I asked if I could play percussion, the obvious reaction of my teachers was : well, look at these marks, they are not very good. But I said: well, really? I played the piano. That was the only thing I could back myself up with. Until eventually, he said: well, the percussion teacher happens to be at school today. Perhaps you might want go through and see what he says and so the percussion teacher said : well, I can’t really see why she shouldn’t be playing percussion. And so it was really just gone from there. But at that time they didn’t know that I was wearing hearing aids and this sort of thing. And so when I told them their reaction was much different. You know what I mean ? 

M: They didn’t know that when they gave you the test?

F: Oh, no and I refuse to tell anyone. Rightly or wrongly, I am not sure. But certainly, that was the case. That is how it all started really .

Q 1  Which type of family does the woman come from?

Q 2  What kind of family does the woman say her family like most ?

Q 3  Which of the following instruments does the woman play ?

Q 4  When did she start to play the instrument she is talking about now?

Q5 Which of the following statements is true according to the conversation?


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