
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 口译 > 口译真题 > 20120916高级口译考试听力文本-Talks and conversations Question 11-15

20120916高级口译考试听力文本-Talks and conversations Question 11-15
发布时间:2012-09-17 作者: 来源于:昂立外语网站

Question 11-15 are based on the following interview

A: Mr. Johnson, You have traveled to so many places in the world. Does travel necessarily open minds to other cultures?

B:I think travel is good in any capacity, I do hope that people who travel to other countries spend at least a little bit of time not traveling in an isolated and capsulated kind of way. Over the last two or three decades, travel whether in well wildness or urban areas has become much more Insular. When I travel, I tent to not bring very much baggage with me, maybe just carry-on. I also know that where I am going.  Millions of people have lived for thousands of years. I know that I can survive there if they can survive.

A: With all the traveling you do in what way is it still a pleasure for you.

B: l think it is important when you travel, that you get on plateau a little bit. I think we travel now with cell phones and internet to stay connected all the time. I think some sort of disconnect from that for just few days or a week can really enhance travel. You don’t have to be connected every day. I also find when I am overseas for several weeks or months I am not touch news. I don’t see it or hear about it. I find when I come back to the states nothing is changed very much. The reality is the news  that we want to know every day maybe doesn’t really matter after a few weeks or months, life goes on.

A: Any favorite places that you visited?

B: I love my home in Montana. My ancestors were homesteaders of Montana, and I have lived in Bosman since 1995. I also like where I grew up in Northern Tanzania .I like the savanna and high plateau, I like the wild life, I do like a few beaches, but mostly I am a mountain person. I love the Karakul mountains in Northern Pakistan. I also love the Pamir Mountains in Hindu Kush Range. That’s what I like mountains. The Karakul is the greatest consolidation of high peaks in the world. I have a hard times picking a city I like a lot

Any places still on your list?

My wife wants to go to Antarctic .I don’t have time in this life time. It takes too long. I want to go northern Norway. It’s where my ancestors are from, very beautiful rivers and seas. My ancestors were fishermen. I also want to go to Peru and Argentine and(in) Santiandies.

What responsibility do you think western travelers have to the places that they visit?

If you can go local, even for a day, it’s fine if you have a package tour, but spend at least one day a week doing something a little different than what’s on the rest of your itinerary, spend some time in local cafe, get to know somebody, go visit a school. It’s uncomfortable to people at first, but often people say that is the most significant part of the trip. That will help the local economy

Q11 : According to Mr. Johnson which of the following statements applies to travelers in the past twenty or thirty years?

Q12 In what way is traveling a pleasure for Mr. Johnson?

Q13 Which of the following places does Mr. Johnson like most?

Q14 Which of the following places is not on Mr. Johnson’s traveling list?

Q15 According to Mr. Johnson, what should western travelers do when they visit places?


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