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·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2016-12-06 ×÷Õߣº À´Ô´ÓÚ£º°ºÁ¢ÍâÓïÍøÕ¾


Part A: Spot Dictation


   In the summer of 2010, record-high temperatures hit Moscow. At first it was just another heat wave , but the scorching heat that started in late June continued through mid-August. Western Russia was so hot and dry in early August that 300 or 400 new fires were starting every day. Millions of acres of forest burned. So did thousands of homes. Crops withered. Day after day Moscow was bathed in seeming endless smoke . The elderly and those with impaired respiratory systems struggled to breathe. The death rate climbed as heat stress and smoke took their toll. The average July temperature in Moscow was a scarcely believable 14 degrees Fahrenheit above the norm . Twice during the heat wave, the Moscow temperature exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a level Muscovites had never before experienced. Watching the heat wave play out over a seven-week period on the TV evening news , with the thousands of fires and the smoke everywhere, was like watching a horror film that had no end. Russia¡¯s 140 million people were in shock , traumatized by what was happening to them and their country.

   The most intense heat in Russia¡¯s 130 years of record keeping was taking a heavy economic toll. The loss of standing forests  and the projected cost of their restoration totaled some $300 billion. Thousands of farmers faced bankruptcy. Russia¡¯s grain harvest shrank from nearly 100 million tons to scarcely 60 million tons as crops withered. Recently the world¡¯s number three wheat exporter, Russia banned grain exports in a desperate move to rein in soaring domestic food prices. Between mid-June and mid-August, the world price of wheat climbed 60 percent. Prolonged drought and the worst heat wave in Russian history were boosting food prices worldwide.


Part B: Listening Comprehension

1. Statements

Question 1:

Compared with the other countries we have visited on this trip, Italy is really a charming country to tourists. I wish George had come to Italy with us.


Question 2.

Although she is supposed to be at work by eight thirty, Jane usually turns up forty-five minutes late. The manager wants to talk to her about that.


Question 3.

As a member of the board of the multinational company, he had no voice at all in the matter, though he little realized it.


Question 4.

The medicine the doctor gave me seems to have helped, but it¡¯s making me awfully drowsy when I¡¯m working in the office.


Question 5.

I¡¯ve tried changing my work schedule several times, but in vain. No matter how I changed my schedule, there didn¡¯t seem to be enough time to finish all.


Question 6.

If a robber threatens you at home or on the street, try not to resist unless you feel that your life is in danger and you must fight or run away.


Question 7.

Our next meeting will be May 10 at 9 a.m., at which development plans will be examined. Soon after this, contracts will be drawn up.


Question 8.

Susan wants to make an agreement with Jack to share profits from the product if Jack will promote it.


Question 9.

In those restaurants, many tourists like the menu that blends the cuisine of Vietnam with the French colonial influence.


Question 10.

The bigger the European Union gets, the more inevitable will be differences between the member countries.


2. Talks and Conversations

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following conversation.

F: Next patient, please! ¡­ Come in.

M: Good morning, doctor. Sorry I¡¯m a bit late, but I felt really awful when I got up.

F: Don¡¯t worry. It¡¯s Mr. Barnes, isn¡¯t it?

M: That¡¯s right.

F: Is that B-A-R-N-E-S?

M: Yes, it is.

F: Right, now what seems to be the trouble?

M: Well, I¡¯ve had this awful flu and a terrible cough.

F: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?

M: Oh, about three or four days, I suppose.

F: And have you been taking any medication?

M: Just the normal things. Aspirins, lemon and hot drinks, but it hasn¡¯t done any good.

F: Are you a smoker?

M: No. I gave up three years ago.

F: Have you had a temperature?

M: Yes. For the last couple of days or so.

F: OK. I¡¯ll just take a look at your chest. Take off your jacket and pullover please. ¡­ Right. Now breathe in ¡­ and out slowly. And again. Good. Once more.  That¡¯s it. Put your clothes back on.

M: Thank you.

F: Well, it looks as if you¡¯ve got a touch of bronchitis. I¡¯ll give you some cough mixture and a prescription for a course of antibiotics as well. Take one capsule every 8 hours for the next five days.

M: OK, doctor. What about going to work?

F: No. You¡¯ll have to spend a couple of days in bed till it clears up. (240)


Question 11.

What was the trouble with the man?

Question 12.

Why did he apologize?

Question 13.

What was the man most probably suffering from?

Question 14.

For how long did the doctor suggest the man take antibiotics?  


Questions 15-18 are based on the following report.

¡¡¡¡The day after Thanksgiving has become America's wildest shopping day. Closed all day on Thursday, chain stores all across the nation open early on Friday. Some stores open at 12:01 Friday morning, while others open at 4 a.m. Some "sleepyhead" stores, like Target this year, don't open their doors on Friday until 6 a.m. From Friday to the day before Christmas, this is the season when businesses make as much as 25 percent of their annual revenue. This season puts many businesses "in the black"¡ªthat is, into profitability¡ªfor the year.

¡¡¡¡Reporters from local TV stations interview people who camp out in front of stores a day or two before the doors open on Friday. These people patiently wait in line to get products that are discounted 50 percent or more.

¡¡¡¡"Oh, we have fun," said one camper. "We bring games to play, we watch TV and order lots of pizza, and we meet interesting people. And, most important of all, we save big bucks!" The catch, of course, is that only a very small number of products are available at the largest discounts. Regardless, each store has plenty of other items that are reduced from 10 to 50 percent¡ªsaving shoppers from $10 to $400 per item¡ªto entice Americans to shop.

¡¡¡¡Not all Americans appreciate this frenzy of shopping. William Graham, pastor of the Church of the Risen Jesus, wants to rename Black Friday. "We want to call it Remember Jesus Friday. People should start the season with the right attitude. Christmas time has become a Season of Shopping. We want to make it a Season of Giving. And we don't mean giving iPods, DVDs, flat screen TVs, and other crap. We mean giving your back, your mind, and your hands. Help an old lady clean up her house. Teach a kid how to read. Visit sick people in the hospital or in nursing homes. Pick up the trash in your neighborhood. Give blood to the Red Cross. Do volunteer work for charities. Celebrate Christmas by remembering Jesus and forgetting Santa Claus."


Question 15:

What time do some ¡°sleepyhead¡± stores open their doors on the day after Thanksgiving ?

Question 16:

Why do many people wait a day or two outside the store before that Friday?

Question 17:

What should be Thanksgiving season like according to William Graham?

Question 18:

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the report?


Questions 19 to 22 are based on the following conversation.

George: Hi Jenny. I'm thinking of applying for a job with a multinational company, but I'm worried about having an interview in English. Can you give me any good tips?

Jenny: Hmmm. I guess the first thing is to try to make a good impression. We often say, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression".

George: That sounds like good advice. But how do I make a good first impression?

Jenny: To begin with, you should firmly shake the interviewer's hand while greeting him or her with a smile. Be sure to keep eye contact, especially when listening to the interviewer.

George: Ah, "body language" is really important, isn't it?

Jenny: Yes, it is. The second thing is to have confidence. You get confidence from being prepared. You should learn about the company before the interview and find out what they do, how long they've been in business, and what their business motto is, that kind of thing. You should also anticipate possible questions, and think about how you will answer them.

George: Should I memorize my answers beforehand?

Jenny: No! That may sound mechanical. You should be natural when you speak. Just think about how you want to answer, and choose the right words. That way, you can use the interviewer's words in your answer, which shows you've been listening. Then you're sure to make a good impression.

George: I never thought about that before. You're really smart, Jenny! But what should I do if I can't remember an English word when I'm answering a question?

Jenny: In that case, you have to paraphrase. In other words, you have to explain what you want to say. For example, if you forget the word "manufacturing", you can say "making a product" instead.

George: That's very helpful, Jenny. Thanks so much. Ah, one more thing. Should I ask about the salary during the interview?

Jenny: No, either let them bring up the topic of money, or else wait for a second interview. If you prepare well, make a good first impression, have confidence, and use English naturally, you're almost certain to be interviewed again. Good luck!


Question 19:

Why does George want to talk to Jenny?

Question 20:

Which of the following will not make a good impression on the interviewee?

Question 21:

What preparations should be made before the interview according to Jenny?

Question 22:

What behavior is considered inappropriate for the interview?


Questions 23-26 are based on the following talk.

   When you stop and think about your high school or college you have graduated

from, were your experiences more positive or negative? Do your feelings of success

or failure in that school have anything to do with whether or not your school was

single-sex or coeducational? Today, more and more Americans are electing to send

their children to single-sex schools because they feel both boys and girls blossom

when they study in the company of students of the same sex. They tend to achieve


   For years, only parents who could afford to send their children to private schools,

or who had strong religious or cultural reasons, chose single-sex education for their

children. For example, Catholic families often sent their children to church schools.

Since U.S. public schools are, by law, coeducational and free, single-sex schooling

was out of reach for most American families. Today, however, along with costly

private schools, public schools are experimenting with the idea of separating the sexes. However, because public schools are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sex, they have been denied federal support.

   Girls may be the ones who benefit most from single-sex schooling. Studies have shown that many girls get disappointed in coed classrooms because teachers sometimes pay more attention to boys. Girls¡¯ positive, enthusiastic attitude toward their studies tends to disappear as they begin to feel less successful. They start to watch their male peers outperform them in math and science. As boys begin to gain confidence, girls start to lose it. Moreover, adolescence is such a fragile time for girls. As they experience adolescent changes, some girls become depressed, develop an addiction, or suffer from an obsession with weight.  


Question 23.

To what kind of school do more and more American parents choose to send their children?

Question 24.

What will happen to public schools if they experiment with the idea of separating the sexes?

Question 25.

What is NOT a disadvantage for girls in co-educational schooling?

Question 26.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as adolescent changes that girl students experience?


Questions 27-30 are based on the following conversation.

Alex: I think I really need to move, Linda. This apartment is too noisy and too dark. There are so many cars going by, but no sun comes through the windows. Do you think it would be easy for me to find a better apartment?

Linda: Sure. There are lots of apartments available at this time of year. Which part of the city would you like to live in?

Alex: I'd like to stay on the west side, near our university, but I'd also like an apartment near the subway.

Linda: Maybe you should consider the Park area. It's a very convenient location.

Alex: Yeah, it sounds good. It's also near the shopping mall and not far from the airport.

Linda: Next you have to think about rent. What price range are you thinking about?

Alex: Well, I really can't pay around 4,500 RMB a month, but I'd like to pay 3,000 if possible.

Linda: I think 3,000 is possible if you have a roommate. You could share an apartment with a college student, or maybe a young clerk.

Alex: That might be interesting, but I really like my privacy. I need to study Chinese in a quiet place and also sleep in peace every night.

Linda: Maybe it's best for you to pay a little bit more for your own apartment. So, the next step is to decide what kind of apartment you want - how many rooms, what kind of furnishings, stuff like that.

Alex: I don't need any special furnishings, but I certainly want a southern exposure. I like to have a bright, sunny room. One bedroom and one living room is enough, but I really want to have a balcony.

Linda: Maybe we'll get lucky and find something bigger but not expensive. Let's wait and see.

Alex: Okay, now that I know what I want, what do I have to do to actually find an apartment?

Linda: I'll look through some advertisements and make some phone calls. Then we can go check out the ones that sound good.


Question 27:

Which of the following is NOT a reason for Alex to look for a new apartment?

Question 28:

For a new apartment, which is not important to Alex?

Question 29:

What is the highest rent Alex can possibly afford to pay?

Question 30:

What suggestion does Linda offer to help Alex save money?


Part C: Listening and Translation

1. Sentence Translation

Sentence 1.

You should inspect your purchase when you it is delivered to your house. Contact the seller if you discover a problem. It is your right to ask for change or refund.


Sentence 2.

In some European countries, you tip restaurant waiters who probably earn more than you do. But the principle is there to follow: a tip for those who have performed personal services.  


Sentence 3.

I think as long as you speak English properly and you can understand people, you can blend quite well into the village life in England.


Sentence 4.

The man wanted by police is about 30 years old and of medium build. He has a long face and a pointed nose. He has a small moustache and short black hair.


Sentence 5.

Investigation in the U.S. interviewed more than 4,000 young people aged 15-26. They found that those who viewed more drink advertisements also consumed more alcoholic drinks.   


2. Passage Translation

Passage 1.

¡¡¡¡Americans are friendly, but in their own way. In general, friendships among Americans tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. This has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people. Americans are open and usually eager to explain. If you do not understand certain behavior or want to know what makes Americans behave the way they do, do not hesitate to ask questions.  


Passage 2.

¡¡¡¡Traffic accidents kill 1.25 million people each year worldwide. But the World Health Organization says they are preventable. The data show that road crashes are the No. 1 cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29. Young adults around the world are the worst driving risks. In the U.S., drivers aged 15 to 24 account for about 30 percent of all driving-related accidents. Africa has only two percent of the world¡¯s vehicles, but has the highest death rate on the road.  




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