
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 新概念 > 教学心得 > 【人广-周日下午新三】L6 作文之银行抢劫篇

【人广-周日下午新三】L6 作文之银行抢劫篇
发布时间:2012-12-07 作者:王玲芳 来源于:昂立外语网站
对银行抢劫的描述让我看到了大家的想象力,发挥得真是淋漓尽致~~ 写作有时正是需要这样的imagination ,让自己的思维像八爪鱼一样触碰到不同面, 同时也反映出你的独一无二~
L6 作文之续写篇请挪步至:
By LV Siyi
Bank robbery
The bank is located on at the corner of a street. At this time, the bank had just opened. Some customers were withdrawing money. Suddenly, a big black car stopped (可以用课文中came to a stop) at the door of bank. One man stayed at the wheel while the others (主语不要忘~) with black stockings over their faces jumped out of the car. Two masked man walked into the bank with rifles over their shoulders. They took the rifle, pointing to the roof, and shouted “Everyone get down! Give the money out!”
   While this was going on, the head of the bank began to lead his staff to fight back. They threw kitchen knives (银行里的神器嘛= =kitchen knives…) to the brigands (土匪,强盗,这里用robber更为恰当). Meanwhile, some customs began to call the police. The brigands coerce the bank clerk to give the money out. (coerce sb. into doing sth. 表示强迫某人做某事) The bank clerk could only took take out 10000 dollars to the brigands. Then, they rushed out of the bank, and it moved off at a fantastic speed. (it作为指示代词前面必须出现所指代的东西,也就是car~) Fortunately, the brigand had heisted (常用语口语) a lot of counterfeit money! The bank clerk gave the brigand 10000 dollar counterfeit money!
Wild imagination~! 银行抢劫描述地比较详细,能把课文中的句子运用到自己的文章中,本篇亮点在第二段,以及最后一句~ 注意动词使用,查字典时除了知道中文解释外还要留意动词搭配,口语化表达尽量不要出现在写作中哦!
By Tong Xuanyi
The street was empty. There was only a small bank in the street corner. ‘There’re no people here. If we rob that bank, nobody will discover us.’ said Tony. ‘That’s right!’ said Bob, Tony’ s best friend. The next day, they went into the bank and found the bank empty (宾语补足语的使用) except for a bank clerk sitting behind the only counter. That was strange! But they didn’t think about this too much. Walking towards the clerk, (分词表伴随) Tony took out a small piece of paper with some sentences:’ this is a robbery. Don’t call the police. Don’t shout. Just give us money!’ Then he gave the paper to the clerk. To their surprise, the clerk hadn’t been frightened at all. (用过完的原因?) She just said a few words that made Bob and Tony really sad. (这里可以用only to make表示意料之外的结果~) ‘This bank has been bankrupt for a long time. I’ve just bought the house and sat here for a rest.’ she said.
和一般银行抢劫描写不同,文章里还加入了对话,通过劫犯对话可以生动形象地反映出他们的性格。之后拿出一张纸给抢劫对象,可以看成是劫犯不熟悉抢劫,比较胆怯,亦或者是足够谨慎而不留下任何线索,给读者也有想象的空间。而结局更是出乎意料,劫犯着实不熟悉“业务”,没有做好准备,竟要抢一家倒闭银行的钱,但故事发展又在情理之中。细心点可以发现一些词已暗示银行状况,如empty, only counter等。听到真相后的劫犯还会不会继续抢劫呢?可以再写一篇续写啦,写得很好哦!^_^
BY Bi Yanran
The new bank in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Miss Taylor, a clerk of the bank had been working busily since eight and had only just finished. (同位语) She went back to her work after gazing at the beautifully decorated wall on the back of the bank.
The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade .it came to the outside of the bank .one man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out of the car and went into the bank . They seemed to be French. Miss Taylor was very frightened while one man looking at her .To her surprise, the man just took out a paper which wrote, Give me money, and put them into a bag. The sentence was written in English. She read the word, and then said to the man in English slowly, we don’t have a bag. The French looked at each other for some time, and then went out of the bank with nothing in their hands.   
文章第一段模仿了课文。其中的短语句子如果能不看书自己写出来就说明已经掌握了。第二段后半部分同样是写银行抢劫,写出了自己的特色,很新颖~ 如果劫犯顺利抢劫就没有看头了,文中的结局出人意料。也许是法国人抢银行担心语言不通就写了纸条“默默”抢劫,不想银行因为没有bag…最叫人吃惊的是劫匪就这么两手空空地回去了…建议尝试将文中原句paraphrase!
欢迎交流~ ^_^

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