
昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 外语托福雅思 > 昂立官网调用 > 托福培训 > 【写作】托福作文练笔(1)

发布时间:2014-01-10 作者:杨钰 来源于:昂立外语网站

Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today

From ancient time, teachers keep playing an predominant role in edifying young people. Teachers not only instruct students in different subjects but also foster them to form a proper value towards life. However, due to the advance in chronology and the change in pedagogy, I think teachers nowadays exert less influence on student and would rather prefer to serve as organizers.
    Technology advances such as the development of the Internet, the prevalence of computer enable students to dig answer on their own. By simply google it, we can get the information we want less then one second. When I was a primary school student, I had to depend on teachers to solve all my problems in school work. At that time, I did not have computers, not to mention the Internet. Therefore, the only access of absorbing new things was from teachers’ lectures. With the rapid development of technology, I am now exposed to various new things. The Internet enables me to explore knowledge on my own. When I have to do research paper today, I will directly use Wikipedia or hunt the information in University’s online library. With simply a click and few key words, I can get as much information as I want through the Internet.
    Also, the change in pedagogy and people’s opinions toward teaching makes instructor be in a less domineering position than they were in the past. We now encourage students to study independently. Teachers serve more as organizers who lead them to dig things deeply rather than as feeders of Knowles. In the class, they allude something through lectures to let students think thoroughly rather than just tell them the answer directly. Young people have more opportunities to go to the lab to design experiment to text their ideas toward some laws of physics or chemist with simple aids from teachers. Current way of teaching force students to attend various seminars or discuss with classmates during class to exchange ideas and thus they can form their own understanding toward new things independently.
    On the other hand, we could not ignore the role of teachers. They still illuminate us and guide us to form our values today. We still spent most of the day with teachers right now and their characteristic or qualities gradually influence us. I remembered my high school literature teacher who exert a great influence on me. She was in a bad health condition at that time and her baby was also very weak but she insisted in teaching us without missing any classes. Her life maxim was to be responsible person. Her dedication totally changed my view toward responsibility and I began to think about what my responsibility was. Because of her, I attached great importance on responsibility. However, beauish global information sharing is a trend in today’s society, we can learn those great qualities in other ways. There are lots of opinion leaders or insistent people on the Internet. By reading their deeds, we can still form a right value and attitude towards life.
     To sum up, teachers are less influential then they was in the past due to the global information sharing and the variation in opinions.

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