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发布时间:2017-02-26 作者:Kimmy 来源于:昂立外语网站

1. It is no ______ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.

A. use                   B. help                   C. time                   D. way

2. Put the ______ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you produce the sound.

A. tip                      B. top                     C. peak                  D. pole

3. It is said that dogs will keep you _______ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.

A. safety               B. company          C. house               D. friend

4. —You are always full of ______. Can you tell me the secret?

Taking plenty of exercise every day.

A. power               B. strength            C. force                  D. energy

5. Despite such a big difference in ______ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.

A. point                 B. idea                   C. attitude             D. sight

6. I can’t say which wine is best—it’s a(n) ______ of personal taste.

A. affair                 B. event                 C. matter                D. variety

7. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ______.

A. bills                   B. expenses         C. prices                D. charges

8. Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular ______ for a wedding in some countries.

A. way                   B. situation           C. event                 D. choice

9. The _______ on his face told me that he was angry.

A. impression      B. sight                  C. appearance     D. expression

10. School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous _______.

A. states               B. conditions        C. situations         D. positions

11. — If you like I can do some shopping for you.

That’s a very kind _______.

A. offer                  B. service              C. point                  D. suggestion

12. I am sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good _____ of direction.

A. idea                  B. feeling              C. experience       D. sense

13. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_____.

A. ability               B. force                  C. strength            D. mind

14. My ______ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.

A. idea                  B. opinion             C. mind                  D. thought

15. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ______ all over the country.

A. companies      B. branches          C. organizations  D. businesses

16. She could not speak English, but made her wishes known by means of _____.

A. signs                B. sighs                 C. movements      D. words

17. In my opinion, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn’t make any _____.

A. idea                  B. meaning           C. sense                D. point

18. But the unpleasant feeling of coldness disappeared at the _____of teenage students pouring out of their classroom to give him a warm, wordless welcome.

A. view                  B. scene                C. sight                  D. sign

19. The need for an operation, especially an immediate operation, almost always comes as a _____ to the patient and his family.

A. shock               B. surprise            C. happiness        D. disappointment

20. I’d like to try that coat on, for I don’t know if it is my _____.

A. shape               B. model                C. design              D. size

21. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _____.

A. intention          B. attempt              C. purpose            D. desire

22. I knew I shouldn’t accept anything from such a person, but I found it difficult to turn down his _____.

A. offer                  B. suggestion       C. request             D. plan

23. The rescue team spared no _____in search of the missing climbers from the great university, but ended in vain.

A. energy             B. force                  C. efforts               D. labour

24. It’s bad _____to stare at people or point to people with your fingers.

A. ways                 B. methods           C. manners           D. means

25. —Let’s try operating the machine right now.

Wait. Better read the _____first.

A. instructions     B. explanations    C. information      D. introduction

26. In that _____, you’ll have to work much harder.

A. accident           B. case                  C. choice               D. cause

27. —How much if I want to take one?

You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____.

A. cost                   B. charge              C. money              D. pay

28. Mary and I have been out of _____ for years. Believe it or not, we haven’t seen each other since high school.

A. sight                 B. mind                  C. reach                D. touch

29. —Mr. Smith has been teaching English in China for many years.

It’s no _____ he can speak Chinese so well.

A. matter               B. doubt                 C. wonder             D. problem

30. —I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.

There is no _______ for this while you are on duty.

A. reason             B. excuse              C. cause                D. explanation



1. Ait’s no use doing sth是固定搭配,其意为做某事没有用

2. Athe tip of your tongue舌尖。句意为:你发这个音时要把舌尖顶住上牙。

3. Bkeep sb company为固定搭配,其意为给某人作伴”“陪伴某人,如:I’ll stay here and keep you company. 我留下来陪你。

4. Dbe full of energy的意思是精力充沛

5. C。根据空格后的所搭配的介词towards可知,答案选attitude。又如:There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me. 她对我的态度有点儿冷淡。

6. CIt’s a matter of … 为惯用表达,其意为这是一个……的问题,如:I take this seriously. It’s a matter of principle. 我对此认真对待,这是一个原则问题。

7. Bliving expense意为生活费

8. D。指在一周的七天中进行选择,故用choice

9. D。出现在脸的肯定是表情,故选expression

10. Cdangerous situation危险情况

11. A。对方主动提出要帮忙购物,这当然应是一个友好的offer

12. Dsense of direction方向感。

13. C。做大量的体育锻炼,其目的自然是使身体强壮,用strength(=quality of being strong)

14. A。表示主意,计划idea

15. B。与the head office of bank相对的应是支行,分行,用branches

16. Asigns手势sigh“叹息,注意不要混淆。

17. Cmake sense为固定搭配,意为有道理”“意义清楚

18. Cat the sight of为固定搭配,意为一看见

19. Ashock通常是指由令人不快的事所引起的给人打击或令人震惊的事surprise 意料之外的事(不一定是坏事)”

20. D。试衣的目的当然是看尺寸大小是否合身,而不是看shape(形状),model(型号),design(设计)。

21. B。比较:attempt表示尝试”“企图intention表示意图purpose表示目的desire表示欲望

22. Aoffer指提供的东西。

23. Cspare no efforts (pains) 为习语,意为不遗余力

24. Cit’s good (bad) manners to do sth意为做某事有(没有)礼貌

25. Ainstructions意为说明(书)。

26. Bin that case相当于if so,其意为如果是这样的话

27. Bfree of charge为惯用表达,意为免费

28. Dout of touch意为没有联系out of sight意为看不见out of reach意为手不能及”“(伸手)够不着

29. CIt’s no wonder (that)… 难怪……

30. B。比较:excuse意为理由”“辩解reason意为原因cause意为原因explanation意为解释






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