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发布时间:2017-01-24 作者:Kimmy 来源于:昂立外语网站

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分  读写)  VI. Reading Comprehension  A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)     


If you are going to apply for a job ,be prepared for the kinds of interviews you can expect .One type of interviews is the telephone interview. Here are some tips for telephone interviews:______________. Before the interview ,guess and write down the questions you might be asked. Practise the answers orally until you are satisfied with yourself. The questions scan be about your working experiences, skills and achievements.  Keep your notes handy. Have any key information next to the phone, including your notes about the company and the questions you have prepared for. Then you can easily get the information you need. In this way, you will sound more prepared.  Avoid salary topics. When you are asked how much money you would expect, its not wise if you give no response. But its not right to give an exact number at once. Try to be open to discussion, so youd better say something like, If this is the right job for me, I believe we can come to an agreement on salary   Push for a face-to-face meeting. At the end of the interview, dont forget to sell yourself. You cab say something like, I am very interested in your company. If possible Id be really happy to see some of your managers. I am free either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. Which would be better for you?  Try to rearrange surprise interviews. If you receive an interview call without any expectation, you can politely ask them to arrange another time for the interview, so you can be better prepared. Try something like, I am sorry but I cant do it right now. Can I call you back tomorrow after work, at 6p.m.?  After the telephone interview, only a few are left for face-to-face interview, so get prepared and good luck!  


69. The article is about________.   

A. how to apply for a job     B. how to make telephone call    C. how to deal with a telephone interview D. how to take telephone messages


70. Which one best suits the ________ in paragraph 2?   

A. Make a self-introduction    B. Practice working skills    C. Write down the answers    D. Predict the questions 


71. The underlined word handy in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.    A. easy to get        B. easy to recognize    C. easy to hold       D. easy to understand  


72. Which might be the best response to the questions about salary?   

A. I am expecting a salary of $5000 month.    B. My salary requirements can be discussed.    C. May I not answer your question?    D. I dont mind at all.


73. At the end of the interview, you should ________.   

A. talk to some of the managers   B. try to ask for a meeting    C. tell them where you live    D. let them introduce themselves


74. Youd better________ if you receive a surprise call from the interview.   

A. not answer the call      B. ask someone else to answer it    C. ask for another interview    D. Start you interview at once




69-74 CDABBC






71题, 我们从后文中的 “then you can easily  get the information”知道handy指的就是“easy to get”,故选A


72题,根据第四段的内容,谈到工资问题,不能避而不谈,不能直接说出准确数字,而要“try to be open to  discussion”,故选B


73题, 根据倒数第三段“push to a face to face meeting”知,在电话面试结束的时候,要试着要求面对面的见面。




B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)12分) 


Have you ever been in a meeting and suddenly found that your mind was a million miles away while someone was making a speech? You probably felt   75 and made up your mind to pay attention and never daydream again. Most of us, from the earliest school days, have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time. On the contrary, says an expert in psychology, daydreaming is quite   76 . Without it, the mind couldnt do  all the thinking it has to do in daily life. You cant possibly do all your thinking with a conscious mind.  77, your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. The unconscious and conscious states of mind have a silent dialogue in the way of daydreaming.  Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the   78 of daydreaming, and even considered it harmful. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinger, a professor of psychology, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinger says, Now we know that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives,       79 our experiences and plan for future. Daydreams really show the things we fear and the things we desire in life.  Daydreams are usually very simple and direct while sleep dreams may be hard to understand. Its easier to gain a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by studying your sleep dreams   80 . Daydreams help one recognize the difficult situation in life and find out a possible way for dealing with them.  So next time you catch yourself daydreaming, dont stop.

75. A. sorry   B. lonely    C. angry    D. bored


76. A. easy   B. interesting   C. necessary   D. clear


77. A. In addition  B. For example  C. Whats more  D. In fact


78. A. importance  B. time    C. variety    D. environment


79. A. write down  B. learn from   C. talk about   D. depend on


80. A. happily   B. early    C. immediately  D. carefully



75. A    76. C    77. D    78. A     79. B     80. D 


75.   A


解析:后文说“你会下定决心要仔细听,不再开小差”,因此可以推出,也许你会感到抱歉。因此选择A. sorry。其他选项都不符合逻辑。


76.   C


解析:前文说到我们都觉得发呆是浪费时间。这段开头就是“相反地”,加上后文的内容,推出,发呆也是很必要的,有一些好处。因此选C, necessary.


77.   D


解析: 这一小段是在解释,为何daydreaming是有必要的。在前一句作者说到,用你清新的意识,你不能够完成全部的日常思考。而后一句说,你的无意识思考一直都在解决问题。所以我们知道,后一句,作者揭示了这一真相。因此选D, in fact.


78.   A


解析:  早期心理学专家们都没有注意到daydreaming的重要性。选A


79.   B


解析:本题是动词词组的辨析,write down是写下;learn from是从某事中学到什么;talk about是讨论;depend on是依靠。从后面的经验experience知道,这里应当是从经验中学到东西。故选B


80.   D


解析:这一段说到,daydreams很简单直接,而sleep dreams则很难理解,因此鼓励大家更多地注意daydreams,而不必仔细研究 sleep dreams。因此选D


C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空 格限填一词,首字母已给) (14 分)


This is a true story of a teenager caught in a deadly storm. He m     81    to stay alive by using tips the survival TV shows taught.  One Sunday, Nicholas went skiing. In the early afternoon, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off the path. Before he r     82 this, Nicholas found he was lost! He didnt have food, water, a phone, or other useful things.


Nicholas had no idea where he was. He told himself to be c     83  . He thought about all the survival shows he had watched. He decided to stop skiing. He needed to find shelter from the freezing wind and snow.  Nicholas built a snow c     84   

 . He gathered a huge amount of snow and dug out a hole in the middle with his skis(滑雪板). He got in. Then he put branches on himself, like a b     85   , to stay as warm as he could. He ate  snow and drank water from a nearby streams so that his body wouldnt lose too much water.  The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldnt find anyone. He didnt dare to go too far, o     86  he might not be able to find his way back. Without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out again. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him.  Nicholas had often watched Bear Grills survival show Man vs. Wild. Thats where he learned the tips that helped him survive. When Grills heard about Nicholas experience, he said it was really a     87  that the teenager had made it. He told the reporters that most people would likely make big mistakes if they were lost in a deadly storm.



答案: 81. managed   82. realized   83. calm 84. cave 85. bear  86.otherwise      87.amazing





81. 这里缺动词。句意大致是:这是一个真实的故事,一个男孩子用在求生节目里学到的方法,成功地活了下来。managed to do sth. 成功做某事。


82. 这是一句时间状语从句,缺动词,且是一般过去时。前文说,一个星期日,尼古拉斯去滑雪。下午一场暴风雪席卷而来。因为看不见路,他意外转弯离开了小路。在他意识到这些之前,他发现自己迷路了。因此应填realized


83. 这里缺形容词,放在be动词后面。意思是,他告诉自己要…,根据前后文知道,他决定停下滑雪,找个避风雪的庇护所。所以可以猜到,他告诉自己要镇定,calm


84. 这里缺名词。尼古拉斯建造了一个…,从后面我们知道他把雪堆起来,挖洞,钻进去了。所以可以猜到这里他为了躲避风雪,建的是个洞,cave


85. 这里缺名词。他把树枝放在自己身上保暖,就像一头熊那样。所以是bear


86. 这里缺一个连接词。句意是他不敢走太远,____他也许不能够找到回家的路。根据逻辑知道,这里应填“否则”,otherwise


87. 这里缺形容词。Bear知道这个男孩子看了他的节目,学到了求生技能,并且在危险中


D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)  

One day Doctor Ken received a call and was told that a boy called Franco needed an immediate operation. He entered the hospital hurriedly. He changed his clothes and went directly to the operating room.   Francos father was walking up and down in the hall, waiting for the doctor. On seeing Doctor Ken, the father shouted, Why did you take so long to come? Dont you know my sons life is in danger? Dont you have any sense of responsibility?   Doctor Ken smiled and said, I am sorry. I wasnt in the hospital and I came as fast as I could and now, I wish youd sit down and be patient so that I can do my work.  Be patient?! What if your son was in this room right now? If your own son dies while waiting for the doctor, then what will you do? said Francos father angrily.  Doctor Ken smiled again and replied, We will do our best and you should also pray for your sons healthy life.  The operation lasted several hours. Then Doctor Ken went out of the operating room happily. Thank goodness! Your son is saved! And without waiting for the fathers reply he ran out of the hospital, saying, If you have any question, ask the nurse.  Why? complained Francos father, He couldnt even wait some minutes so that I can ask about my sons state.  The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, Doctor Kens son died in a road accident. He was at the burial(葬礼)when we called him for your sons operation. And now that he saved your sons life, he left running to finish his sons burial.  Hearing this, Francos father felt so sorry. And at the same time he was really_________.

 88. Franco needed to be operated on, didnt he?     ______________________________________________________________________________.


89. Where did Francos father wait for the doctor?     ______________________________________________________________________________.


91. 90. How did Doctor Ken speak to Francos father when he shouted at him?     Doctor Ken spoke to Francos father______________________________________________.  


91. In what way did Doctor Ken leave the hospital after the operation?     ______________________________________________________________________________.


92. According to the nurse, what had happened to Doctor Kens son?     ______________________________________________________________________________.


93. Which word can be used to complete the last sentence? Why?   And at the same time Francos father was really ____________________________________ 





88. Franco  needed to be operated on, didnt he?


Yes, he did.


89. Where did  Francos father wait for the doctor?


In the hall of the hospital.


90. How did  Doctor Ken speak to Francos father when he shouted at him?


with a smile.


91. In what way  did Doctor Ken leave the hospital after the operation?


He ran out of the hospital without  waiting for the fathers reply./ He left in a hurry./ He left without delay. 


92. According to  the nurse, what had happened to Doctor Kens son?


He died in a road accident.


93. Which word  can be used to complete the last sentence? Why?


(Any reasonable answer is  acceptable.) ashamed/ regretful. Because he blamed the doctor for being  late.




1: 反意疑问句。根据原文“… a boy called Franco needed an  immediate operation.”知,他需要手术。根据反义疑问句“实事求是”的回答原则,应答:Yes,  he did.


2: 问地点。根据原文 “Francos father was walking up and down  in the hall, waiting for the doctor”知,Franco的爸爸等在医院的大厅里,应答:In the hall of the hospital.


3: 问细节,医生是如何与Franco的爸爸讲话的?根据第三段和第五段开头知,医生一直都是smile的。应答:With  a smile.


4:  问细节,Ken医生在手术后是如何离开医院的?根据倒数第四段知“And without waiting for the fathers reply he ran out of  the hospital…所以应答:He ran out of the hospital without  waiting for the fathers reply./ He left in a hurry./ He left without delay.


5: 问细节。根据倒数第二段可知 “Doctor Kens son died in a road  accident.” 所以应答:He died in a road accident.


6: 开放性问题。同学们应注意Franco的爸爸的态度是转变了的。只要符合这个方向就可以。(Any reasonable answer is acceptable.) ashamed/  regretful. Because he blamed the doctor for being late.






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