昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 四六级 > 四级听力 > 2010年11月27日昂立大学英语四级模考听力文本
Part III                              Listening Comprehension                              
Section A
Question 11.
M: Can you believe the way Larry was talking to his roommate? No wonder they don't get along.
W: Well, maybe Larry was just reacting to something his roommate said. There are two sides to every story you know.
M: What does the woman mean?
Question 12.
W: I know I promised to drive you to the airport next Tuesday. But I’m afraid that something has come up. And they've called a special meeting at work.
M: No big deal. Karen said she was available as a backup.
W: What does the man mean?
Question 13.
W: I don't think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.
M: I know what you mean. But check out the cost of renting an apartment first, I wouldn't be surprised if you changed your mind.
W: What does the man think the woman will do?
 Question 14.
W:   Umm … are you going to try some of this chocolate pudding? It’s incredible.
M:   Well, to be honest with you, I’ve never been a big fan of chocolate.
W: What does the Man imply?
 Question 15.
W: So how was the drama club’s new production last night? Did I miss out on anything good?
M:   Hardly. I kept looking at my watch the whole time.
W: What does the man mean?
Question 16.
W: The state ballet's coming to town next weekend, and I can't find a ticket anywhere.
M: You know, my sister just happens to have one and she can't go. She's got some sort of conflict in her schedule.
W: What does the man imply the woman should do?
Question 17.
M: Just look at this apartment, Karen. What a mess! You should start this all over. How does you roommate put up with it?
W: I know. I haven't been doing my share this week. But I have three reports to do on Friday, and I haven't even started one of them.
W: What can be inferred about Karen?
Question 18.
W: Jam, I don't know if you know this. But I’m prepared to run for class president and I’m wondering if I can count on your vote?
M: Oh, maybe if you asked me sooner. But my roommate's running too and I’ve already promised him he would have my support
W: What does the man mean?
 Now you’ll hear the two long conversations.
W: Conversation one
M: Hi, Sue. Where have you been?
W: Oh. Hi, Dan. I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.
M: Tomorrow? Oh, no! I thought it wasn't due till Monday.
W: Oh. Don't worry. It is due Monday. But I'm going away for the weekend and won't be back till Monday night.
M: Oh, where are you going?
W: California. We're having a family reunion. It's my grandmother's ninetieth birthday, so all the cousins and aunts and uncles are going. She planned the whole thing herself.
M: Wow. That's great. How many people will be there?
W: Around sixty. My family is big and spreads up but we're pretty close. So have you started working on your biology paper?
M: Yeah. I'm doing it on bees and how they're able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.
W: How can they tell?
M: They use their sense of smell. The sweat bees guard their nest this way. If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it's allowed to enter.
W: Interesting. Can other insects do this? Well, the paper wasps can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and so the wasps that live there have a unique smell. Those two are the only kinds I've read about so far.
M: Well, you've still got time. It sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.
 Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question19. What is the relationship between the speakers?
Question 20. Why was the man worried at first?
 Question 21. According to the man, how do some bees use their sense of smell?
Question 22. What will the man probably do over the weekend?
Conversation two
W: John, have you chosen a physical education class yet for this semester?
M: No. Why?
W: You've got to take rock-climbing. We just had the first class and it looks like it’s gonna be great.
M: You think I should take rock-climbing? You've got to be kidding. Besides, how can they teach rock-climbing when it's completely flat around here?
W: That's not important. You can't just start climbing without any training. You had to get in shape, learn how to use the ropes, the belts, the buckles, there's a lot of preparation first.
M: You don't think it's just a little bit dangerous?
W: Not if you know how to use the safety equipment, which is, by the way, pretty hi-tech. The ropes are made of elastic fabrics that stretch a little, the shoes have special plastic. You have to learn how to use all these before you do any real climbing.
M: Well, what's the appeal? We'll spend the whole semester studying something we don't actually get to do.
W: We will take a climbing trip during spring break. But that's not the point. Climbing is not the only goal. In preparing to climb you learn patience, mental discipline and you gain fantastic physical strength, especially in your hands. For the first few weeks we're going to concentrate entirely on hand and upper body exercise.
M: All that in one sport? Maybe you are right. Since it's not too late to join the class, maybe I will.
M: Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
M: Question 23. What is the woman trying to do?
M: Question 24. What does the man imply about rock-climbing at their college?
Question 25. Why is the woman interested in rock-climbing?

Section B

Passage one

W: Elizabeth Blackwell was the First Western Woman in Modern Times to become a doctor. She was born in Bristol, England in eighteen twenty-one. Elizabeth had three brothers and four sisters. All followed the same plan of education. When she was eleven years old, Elizabeth’s parents decided to move the family to the United States. One day, Elizabeth visited a family friend who was suffering from cancer. The dying friend suggested that Elizabeth study medicine. Elizabeth knew that no woman had ever been permitted to study in a medical school. But she began to think about the idea seriously after the woman who had suggested it died. Elizabeth took a teaching job in the southern state of North Carolina to earn money for medical school. But no medical school would accept her. College officials told her she must pretend to be a man if she wanted to become a doctor. Elizabeth refused. She wrote to other medical colleges. All rejected her, except Geneva Medical College in the state of New York where she finished her studies. She had two dreams. One was to start a hospital for women and children. Another was to build a medical school to train women doctors. In eighteen sixty-eight, she opened her medical college for women. It was the first time the idea of preventing disease was taught in a medical school. Elizabeth Blackwell died in England in nineteen ten. She was eighty-nine years old.
 Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
Question 26. How many brothers and sisters did Elizabeth Blackwell have?
Question 27. Which medical college enrolled Elizabeth Blackwell?
Question 28. What was the significance of Elizabeth’s medical college opened for women in 1868? 

Passage Two

M: A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced an evolution concerning our attitudes towards the workweek and the weekends. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of a week as Sunday, more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two-day period thought as the weekend. In fact the word "weekend" didn't even exist in English until about the middle of last century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s, but as the workweek was shortened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the weekend expanded to two full days - Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought that this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the workweek might decrease to four days or even fewer. But so far this hasn't happened. The workweek seems to have stabilized as forty hours made up of five eight-hour days. After this commercial I'll be back to talk about the idea of adding Monday to the weekend.
W: Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
W: Question 29.When did word "weekend" come into existence?
W: Question30. What did Saturday afternoon mean to the workers in England at that time?
W: Question31. What will the speaker most probably talk about after the advertisement?

W: Passage 3

W: Over the centuries, people's eating habits change from generation to generation. Before scientists learned about vitamins and other constituents of food, such as proteins and carbohydrates, people believed in eating large quantities of food and were not concerned so much about a balanced diet. For example, in the eighteenth century a hearty meal could consist of as many as twenty courses and would probably knock out the most starving and insatiable appetites.
Today, people believe in a more balanced diet. In many countries where food shortage is no longer a problem for immediate attention, people start to eat less. More attentions are paid to the nutrition and wholesomeness of the food. Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and even calories became labels on almost every kind of food we eat.
In the 21st century people's eating habits may be just as surprising but in a very different sort of way. With a worldwide growth in population, food production will become exclusively mechanical and scientific. There may well be an end to food as we know it today. Meals, as we know them, may become a thing of the past. Food constituents and vitamins may be taken in the form of capsules, tablets or pills. The thought of these highly artificial food constituents taking the place of present day foods may not be very attractive, but they may be the answer to food shortage and severe starvation in some parts of the of world.
M: Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
M: Question32. According to the talk, which of the following is NOT a constituent of food we eat today?
M: Question 33. How many courses of food could be offered in a hearty eighteenth century meal?
M: Question 34. What does a worldwide growth in population contribute to the food production?
M: Question 35. According to the speaker, which of the following will be an answer to the food shortage and severe starvation in the world today?  

M: Section C

M: Now listen to the passage
W: Life-style is the way a person lives work, leisure time, hobbies, other interests, and personal philosophy. One’s personal life-style may be dominated work, including few social activities. Another’s may involve hobbies, recreational activities, or personal philosophy.
There is little doubt that life-styles are changing and that these changes will have an influence on the way business operates in the years ahead. Several factors are causing life-style changes in U.S. society.
First, there is more leisure time than ever before. The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared to seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less before the year 2000. Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day. Others have cut the number of hours worked each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.
Second, families have fewer children than before and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having their children early in the marriage. This trend has forced many businessmen to modify their competitive strategies. Gerber Products Company used to advertise "babies are our business—and our only business." Now Gerber products include infant clothing, stuffed animals, and accessories such as bottles, baby’s carriage, and baby powder.
Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier.
These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current life-styles and examine new ones. Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal life-style changes.
M: This is the end of listening comprehension.
      学员心得 [注:以下信息为随机显示,真实可靠] 查看全部 按人气查看 
    姓名:马潇玮 成绩:453
    教师: 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:
    为这位同学的心得“加一分” 给“昂立口译”和《译述》杂志留言,我的学员心得
    学员感想: 本来自己还在犹豫要不要报四级,直到那次听到哥哥报了保过班考了1次四级过了,我陪他来到昂立拿他的奖学金,哥哥劝我也报名试试,想了下结果就不再纠结马上报了名,想看看经过自己的努力是否也能通过这次的考试,要不是哥哥的鼓励,也不会让我有决心。由于自己是中专生,不像高中生,他们有三年的英语基础,自己却没有,想想还真有点怕自己会有心无力。这三个月需要比别人更努力,才能达成自己的目标,没想到这一次,就能通过四级考到理想成绩。谢谢老师们!

    学员寄语: 我是怎么学习的 听力 1.听力这方面我是能听的出单词,但是却不知道怎么拼,看来问题还是在于对单词的不熟悉,听力老师在每节课都会在PPT上打出各种场景词,在课堂上会把这些场景词抄在自己的笔记本上,然后在作业本上再抄三遍,自己再拿出纸来,写下英文默中文,写下中文默英文,周而复始。就算在大学里学习再繁忙,也会在晚上抽出时间来复习。2.每天都会抽出1到2小时用来复习听力,用电脑把听力的句子一遍遍反复的听,这样考试就不会紧张了。3.老师建议背些短语,和固定搭配,所以特地买了本书,反复的进行复习。贵在坚持,加油! 阅读 阅读这方面很有体会,刚开始的时候,老师发下来的卷子我看了真是头晕啊,一是单词不是很清楚它的意思,二是看到选项更本就不知道选什么,一篇文章要看好久。阅读老师还会叫到我回答问题,每次起来回答的答案都会有错的,好丢脸啊~只好当着全班同学的面只得承认自己看不懂,不知道要选什么。每个星期都会有5篇阅读,在看的过程中用笔划下来,一篇文章看下来,会看到很多的线,一条一条的,有的是卷子后面题目出现的生词,有的不是,把那些生词再抄到一本本子上,以便于拿出来复习一下,背背。在后面的几节课中,我们一边做题目,老师会一边讲方法,那就是定位,果然这样,正确率是大大的提高了。好开心! 词汇 单词是考试做题的核心,不认识单词就不知道句子的意思。所以这样做是很关键的每次上课的时候词汇老师就会带着我们先把单词读一遍,然后告诉我们哪些是五星单词哪些是三角单词,哪些是叉叉掉的,叉掉的不是超纲的就是不属于四级的词汇,这样就方便多咯~在课上老师会找不同的方法,好让我们记住他的意思。2.回家的复习也是必要的,会把今天所讲的五星单词抄三遍,然后再把今天所讲的三角词汇总结到自己的笔记本上,每天坚持不断的进行复习,晚上睡觉前,还会把单词再看遍。 其他: 经过在这三个月的学习,有父母家人的支持,哥哥对我的成功有很大的推动力;有老师的鼓励,每次下课时老师都会说只要有不懂得问题可以通过各种联系方式向老师提问;有同学的互相互助,觉得这次来读书很值得。所以在考试中自己的信心增加百倍,取得了好的成绩!
    姓名:陈苗 成绩:503
    教师:许慜 周秀婷 王如卿 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:
    为这位同学的心得“加一分” 给“昂立口译”和《译述》杂志留言,我的学员心得
    学员感想: “一分耕耘一分收获”。相信自己,一切皆有可能!!!

    学员寄语: 听力 1:紧跟老师的步伐,不掉队。上课竖起耳朵尽最大努力听懂,就算没听懂也不放弃,听力这个东西是循序渐进的心态一定得好。另外一定在听得时候要静下心来,专心。上课时候专心跟着老师的节奏,通常老师们上课讲完的东西,下课后回家一定要找时间温故。2:老师布置的课后作业一定要按时完成。并且要上心点,做完后不要急着去找答案。没听懂的要不断地听,直到自己听出来为止。要给自己压力和信心。3:学习新的听力的同时,也要不断温故已经听过的听力,看自己是否还能听得出来,要在做完题后反思,题不是做得越多越好,而是要在做过的题中找到不足,并积极改正。4:在我准备cet4期间,我的MP3里没有一首中文歌,为了提高自己,我通常都是放了听力资料(真题听力)还有一些英文歌。学习累的时候听听英文歌轻松一下,也是在学习。 阅读 都说英语的听力是最容易提高的,而阅读则是比较难得到长进的。今天我可以说,阅读完全可以和听力一样得到大幅度提高。首先,要有越挫越勇的心态。在我没有上考场之前,不管是在昂立课堂上还是我回到家自己做阅读题,好的时候我做下来可以对个一两个,最糟糕的时候很多,经常全军覆没。这时候,如果你放弃,那就完蛋了。你必须征服它。对于我来说,因为听力是个很大的问题,所以在别的地方我需要把分数拉回来。那么阅读就是最好的拉分项。我很感谢周秀婷老师,她的阅读方法我十分受益。在之前我在阅读方面会很迷茫。但是做阅读还是很有技巧的,我是一步步跟着老师走的。老师上课的时候会讲一些文章和做题方法,我就会做笔记,回家试着用这些方法做题,是非常有效果的。老师发下来的阅读资料我都是很认真的做完的,因为培训时间是有限的,老师通常都是讲一部分习题,那么就是还剩下很多题目,一般我都抽出时间把它做完,走在老师前面,这样老师讲课的时候我就加深了印象。找出我之前做错,或者不解的原因了。在考试前的一个月里,我除了老师发下来的资料,我又找到了很多关于阅读的练习题,我每天都会给自己定个计划,把它完成。虽然平时看起来效果似乎并不显著,但最后的结果却见证了努力是有回报的。阅读部分拿到了199分。 词汇 我最喜欢上王如卿老师的词汇课呢。背单词的确是一个特别痛苦的过程,可是又是十分重要的过程。词汇就相当于树根,只有树根好了,扎实了,才能茁壮成长为茂密的苍天大树。因为老师风趣幽默的讲解,所以我在课堂上能当即消化很多单词。课后,在家也会不断巩固。单词这个东西,需要一轮一轮的温故。我背单词,都是在背新的时候,在遮掩着以前背的,然后在脑海里回忆能不能知道它什么意思。二遍重点复习。每天必须坚持给自己定个计划,每天背多少单词,每天拿出多少时间温故在cet4中,并不需要你死记硬背这些单词,你要做的是你看到这个单词,你要认识它。毕竟要真正写出单词的时候只是作文和复合式听写。大部分需要你认识。 其他: 好好体会老师教的那些做题技巧。更主要的是动手动脑动嘴。这样学习起来才不会累。听力是多听多开口跟读,阅读是技巧加做题实践,作文我觉得最简单,只要背几个万能模板就好,词汇是持之以恒的坚持不懈和温故而知新。完型就是要不断在做题中记忆。
    姓名:钱炜盛 成绩:447
    教师:周秀婷 许慜 王如卿 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:
    为这位同学的心得“加一分” 给“昂立口译”和《译述》杂志留言,我的学员心得
    学员感想: 说起这次通过英语四级,我真的感觉像是做梦一样,不可思议,我过了?对!我过了!这是我看到自己的成绩第一个想法。先说说自己的情况,初中不喜欢英文,不好好的上课,英语总是60分与不及格徘徊,中专的时候,不夸张的说,没有背过一个英文单词,对于英语该用什么词来形容,应该是厌恶。进入大学,心想终于摆脱了英语,可惜上帝还是很关心我,让我得知了,专升本的话必须要通过英语四级,于是,这个噩梦再一次的缠上了我,大一一次,大二两次,分别是365、360、392,到了大三了,我无奈了,彻底对这个英语失望了,后来我报了昂立保过班,忽然间它就感觉像是自己的救命稻草,通过自己的努力,再加上老师们的课程复习指点,这一次我通过了英语四级这个魔咒!

    学员寄语: 听力 听力是我最看重的,因为我始终认为一门语言最重要的就是听懂,只有听懂了才能真正去去理解一门语言的内涵。第一节课的时候,许慜老师就给我们听真题,课后还发真题听力填空。听力的复习其实说简单可以很简单,就是听懂,听懂句子,听懂每一个单词,如果一个人的发音够标准,他的听力一定不会差,这是我在上课期间最常听到的话。 首先我们从单词开始,单词部分我们背单词的时候就要注意,注意单词的读音,自己要跟读,必须要跟读,只有去亲身感受了发音,自己才会在考试真题中认得他,其次,就是句子,拿出近5年的四级听力真题,一遍遍的去听,一句句的去复述,这个行为是我们在课上必须做的事,我们很多人都有这样的习惯,听到一句句子,第一个反应是去翻译它,而不是用英文的角度去理解它,所以复述是个很重要的事情。最为重要的我认为的就是真题,真题是唯一的办法,拿出真题,认真的去做,课后作业必须认真的去完成,上课笔记认真复习,那些都是考试的精华。听力,对于我来说,就是多听,多跟读,多做题,听熟了每一篇内容,这才是王道!顺便说一句,建议在考试那一天,早点起床,带上耳机听一套或者两套真题,唤醒自己的耳朵。 阅读 阅读,最为重要的就是两篇阅读理解,一共10道题,对于英语四级来说,也是决定成败的一个部分。英语阅读一直对我来说,是个挑战,我选的答案往往不是编题者设计的答案,时常自己在抱怨,到底是哪里出了问题,是自己想法太多,还是考试内容有问题。我记得第一天第一节就是阅读课,我们的老师是周秀婷,她让我们感受到其实做阅读也别有一番味道,阅读并没有我们所谓的枯燥,在做阅读的同时可以顺便了解很多人文知识。我认为,做阅读,同样也是要拿真题当练习,很多人在抱怨为什么我们该怎么背单词,拿一本超级厚的词汇书背?其实,我们在做阅读的时候其实就是在不经意间背进了单词,总有些许单词是阅读里的高频词汇,那些词汇就必须要熟记。在课程中,通过周老师的带领,我们学习了如何去找一道题的题干,找到真正重要的部分,我们为什么会经常做错题目,就是因为我们总是被那些浮夸的装饰词蒙蔽了双眼,总是会想多,固然我们会做错题,所以,题干最重要。 词汇 词汇是考试的基础,拥有一定的单词量才能去面对四级考试。在昂立保过班报名的时候,备书里有一本小册子,英语四级高频词汇,必须熟记那一小册的所有单词,那些都是出现率最高的单词,有些人说,背单词没用的,但是如果你不背单词的话,你就没用了。平时,我总会花大约2~3小时去背单词,拼写,读音,一个个去记,有时会很枯燥,很苦恼,但也在背单词的同时丰富了自己的想象力,你可以把乏味的内容想象成自己好理解的内容。我们的词汇老师是王如卿,只能说,她的确能够抓住同学的心思,上课很生动,我们感觉都很nice,一本相对来说比较厚的词汇书,在她的带领下,我们不知不觉就把它攻占下来了。熟记每个高频词汇,记清每个单词的读音,同时也要记住熟词异义。背单词没有所谓的技巧,只有勤奋俩字。
    姓名:刘丽娜 成绩:
    教师:孙焕奂 袁美洁 杨芳 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:四级保过班
    为这位同学的心得“加一分” 给“昂立口译”和《译述》杂志留言,我的学员心得
    学员感想: 老师们都风趣幽默,有着非常适合的教学方式,在这里学习的日子,我收获很多,同时感谢老师们对我的照顾和帮助。

    姓名:顾雨昕 成绩:
    教师:孙焕奂 袁美洁 杨芳 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:四级保过班
    为这位同学的心得“加一分” 给“昂立口译”和《译述》杂志留言,我的学员心得
    学员感想: 感受:轻松,学习氛围愉悦。 老师评价:亲切,教学好。 感言:上帝保佑四级必过! 建议:无

    学员寄语: 过四级,来昂立!
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