昂立教育 > 项目总揽 > 口译 > 应试口语 > 口译二阶段 > 口译二阶段热点:世博会中国国家馆5月正式对外开放

2010 年上海世博中国馆5月正式对外开放。令人期待已久的“东方之冠”会焕发怎样的异彩,一切都等待全世界参观者的评价。CRI记者的这篇采访稿,让我们一睹为快。


The 2010 World Expo's China Pavilion was completed earlier this year after two years of construction. 

In today's On the Road, Li Ningjing will take you for a stroll in the China Pavilion and introduce you to some of the main attractions there during the Shanghai Expo that will begin next month.

The China Pavilion is located on the waterfront along the Huangpu River between the Nanpu and Lupu bridges in downtown Shanghai. It is shaped like a crown and was built in a traditional Chinese architectural style.

Its main structure includes a six-layer, 30-meter-high roof made of traditional wooden brackets. The roof is dominated by the color red, symbolizing good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture.

The China Pavilion is the size of two and a half soccer fields. Below the main structure, there is a 45,000-square-meter joint pavilion featuring displays from China's regions, provinces and cities.

Ma Liang, an Assistant Supervisor of the Shanghai Expo Construction Office, says many minor interior decorations inside the pavilion feature traditional calligraphy.

"The roof is painted red and consists of 56 girders, symbolizing all of China's 56 ethnic groups. Each end of every girder is decorated with words in an old form. of Chinese calligraphy. Those in our sight are facing the east and south, so we can see ‘east' or ‘south' on them."

It can take a visitor at least 40 minutes to see the entire pavilion. You can start by watching an eight-minute movie that displays China's urban development over the past three decades. The movie will be shown in a 600-seat theater which is finely decorated and equipped with multimedia and cutting-edge technologies.

Another highlight of the China Pavilion is a massive projection of the ancient painting "Along the River during Qingming Festival." One of the masterpieces of ancient Chinese painting, it represents the highest artistic achievement in ancient Chinese painting and is considered a national treasure.

Together with the painting, a series of other valuable cultural relics will also be displayed, showcasing the splendor of Chinese culture. All the exhibits have arrived in Shanghai and will be ready for visitors to see when the Expo starts on May 1st.  

Qian Zhiguang is a top management official of the China Pavilion.

"The exhibits are designed to showcase the most brilliant part of Chinese civilization. They are a combination of ancient Chinese culture and modern technology and the latest developments."

To continue the trip through the China Pavilion, a cable car takes visitors for a 10-minute ride passing displays of modern street scenes that highlight the progress of city-country integration and urbanization in China. 

Other modern development concepts are also featured in the pavilion, including energy conservation, emissions reduction and low-carbon lifestyles.

Management official Qian Zhiguang explains.

"In this part of the exhibition, we try to remind people about the serious environmental problems in China caused by industrialization as well as various means to tackle the problems such as the utilization of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and biomass energy."

Another part of the exhibition features scenes of the country's fantastic rivers and lakes and highlights water-related issues around the globe indicating the importance of creating harmony between man and nature.

During the Shanghai Expo, there will be some 400 thousand to 500 thousand visitors daily at the China Pavilion, far beyond its designed capacity of 50,000 people. To ensure the safety of visitors, an online reservation service will help restrict and manage the number of guests at the pavilion.

Hong Hao is President of the Shanghai Expo Management Bureau.

"Reservation services are now underway for the China Pavilion, the themed pavilions, some performance shows and other hot attractions during the Expo. Reservation services from other foreign participants are always welcome."

Another 80 reservation machines will be set up in 23 locations during the event to better manage the flow of visitors.

Hong says the system will also prevent guests from having to wait in long lines to enter the China Pavilion.

There are stairs leading to the top of the 50-meter-high China Pavilion where visitors can enjoy a perfect panoramic view of the entire Expo Park and Huangpu River.

The 160,000-square-meter pavilion will be converted into a museum for Chinese history and culture after the Expo closes at the end of October.

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姓名:盛同学 成绩:
教师:方懿文 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:中级口译
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学员感想: 单词量很大,老师讲的很清楚,班主任很负责,作业量布置的刚好.就是翻译部分还是不太能写出来.老师对于单词的讲解很仔细,可以听明白.有些单词说得很形象,可以记住.总体评价很好.

姓名:包同学 成绩:
教师:谢绿迎 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:中级口译
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学员感想: 在这里学到了很多知识,即巩固了学校里课堂上的内容,又拓展了很多的课外知识。每天的课程安排紧凑且高效率。课堂上,老师的互动性很强。老师也很亲切,每节课都会和我们互动练口语。 五角场万达校区周边的环境也很好,交通也很方便。

姓名:候同学 成绩:
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学员感想: 老师讲课上灵活有趣的讲解,将枯燥的应试内容教授的充实生动,让我对英语有了极大的兴趣,能够开始有意识的自主学习了。 此次暑假中级口译的课程对通过考试有很大的帮助,老师会单独提问,互动性极强,上课班级人数也适中,老师也都会关注到。

姓名:朱同学 成绩:
教师:冯嘉 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:基础口译
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学员感想: 我觉得冯老师非常好,为我们推荐的学习技巧非常有用,例如老师告诉我们要坚持精听一个小时,泛听十个小时,保持一周三次的精听等~学习基础口译已经快一个月了,我感觉自己的词汇量提升了很多,自己的听力能力也提高很多,谢谢冯老师这些课以来对我的帮助,我很喜欢在昂立上课,我喜欢这里的同学跟老师。

姓名:张同学 成绩:
教师:冯嘉 进入昂立教育的教师博客 班级:基础口译
为这位同学的心得“加一分” 给“昂立口译”和《译述》杂志留言,我的学员心得
学员感想: 冯老师很幽默,很积极,冯老师性格很好,能够结合语境,开玩笑,讲课外补充或是一些故事,还能对词义进行比较和积累。 上了冯老师的课后,学校的英语我能后有许多更深的见解,能够提前知道某些知识,也能对没掌握的内容进行一定的巩固。

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